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ISWA Committees


Plan the fall tours/conference, the location of which is rotating.


Plans the education conference in Boise every spring.


Works with a contractor to keep the website up to date, collect and add website content, and handle event advertising and other communication with the membership.


Meets intermittently as needed to discuss and draft changes to the bylaws.


Helps keep track of members and helps to recruit new members.

Legislative Awareness

Meets regularly to keep apprised of changes in legislation and brings information back to the board and members.


Helps to track and develop recycling in Idaho including working with DEQ to create regional goals for the statewide Solid Waste management Plan.


Identifies and tracks grant opportunities to help secure funding to support ISWA’s mission and works with a contractor to apply for grants.


Develops and implements awards program and helps to choose award winners.

Stay Up to Date

Mailing Address

Idaho Solid Waste Association
1775 W. State Street #307
Boise, ID 83702

©2024 by Idaho Solid Waste Association

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